

Her har vi lagt et lille udpluk af den eksisterende akademiske og fagspecifikke litteratur om korruption, ordnet tematisk. I denne rubrik er næsten alt på engelsk, idet der indtil videre er skrevet meget lidt på dansk om emnet. Flere af teksterne kan hentes gratis fra nettet.

Korruption generelt

  • Andvig, Jens C. et al (2001), Corruption. A Review of Contemporary Research, nupi, Oslo
  • Dutta, J., Aidt, T.S. (Eds.), 2016. The International Library of Critical Writings in Economics Series, vol. 324. Elgar, Cheltenham.

  • Fisman, R., & Golden, M. A. (2017). Corruption: What everyone needs to know. Oxford University Press.

  • Gambetta, Diego (2002), Corruption: An Analytical Map, i: Kotkin, S. og Sajó, A., Political Corruption in Transition. A Sceptic’s Handbook, CEU Press, Budapest

  • Goudie, A. W., Stasavage, David (1998), A Framework for the Analysis of Corruption, Crime, Law and Social Change, Vol. 29, No. 2-3, pp. 113-59
  • Heidenheimer, A.J., Johnson, M., LeVine, V. (Eds.), 1989. Political Corruption: A Handbook. Transaction Publishers, New Brunswick, NJ

  • Jain, Arvind K. (2001), Corruption: A Review, i S. Sayer (red.), Issues in New Political Economy, Blackwell, Oxford
  • Klitgaard, Robert (1990), Controlling Corruption, University of California Press
  • Lohmann, Jens (2005), Noget for noget -Håndbog om korruption, Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke
  • Mauro, Paulo (1998), Corruption: Causes, Consequences, and Agenda for Further Research, Finance & Development, March 1998. The World Bank, Washington D.C.
  • Rose-Ackerman, Susan (1996), The Political economy of Corruption – Causes and Consequences, Viewpoint, World Bank Note series no. 74
  • Rose-Ackerman, Susan (1999), Corruption and Government. Causes and Consequences, and Reform, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
  • Schleifer, Andrei og Vishny, Robert W. (1993), Corruption, Quarterly Journal of Economics 108, 599-617
  • Sik, Endre (2002), The Bad, the Worse and the Worst: Guesstimating the Level of Corruption, i: Kotkin, Stephen og Sajó, András, Political Corruption in Transition. A Sceptic’s Handbook, CEU Press, Budapest, pp. 91-113
  • Tullock, Gordon (1993), Rent Seeking, The Shaftesbury Papers, 2, Edward Elgar, Aldershot

Empiriske undersøgelser

  • Amore, M. D., & Bennedsen, M. (2013). The value of local political connections in a low-corruption environment. Journal of Financial Economics110(2), 387-402.

  • Ledeneva, Alena V. (2001), Unwritten rules. How Russia’s really works, Centre for European Reform, London

  • Nordstrom, Carolyn. 2004. Shadows of War: Violence, Power and International Profiteering in the Twenty-First Century. Berkeley: University of California Press.
  • Schneider, Friedrich og Enste, Dominik (2000), Shadow Economies Around the World: Sizes, Causes, and Consequences, IMF Working Paper No. 00/26, Washington DC

Korruption som socialt fænomen

  • Cartier-Bresson, Jean (1997), Corruption Networks, Transaction Security and Illegal Social Exchange, Political Studies, Vol. 45, pp. 463-476
  • Bjørnskov, C., Paldam, M., 2005. Corruption trends and social capital. Chapter 4 pp 59-75 in Lambsdorff, J.G., Taube, M., Schramm, M., eds.,The New Institutional Economics of Corruption. Routledge (Frontiers of Political Economy): London and New York

  • Fisman, R., & Miguel, E. (2007). Corruption, norms, and legal enforcement: Evidence from diplomatic parking tickets. Journal of Political economy115(6), 1020-1048
  • Lambsdorff, Johan G. (2002), Making corrupt deals: contracting in the shadow of the law, Journal of Economic Behaviour & Organization, Vol. 48, pp. 221-241

  • Paldam, M., 2001 Corruption and Religion. Adding to the economic model. Kyklos 54, 383-414

Årsager til korruption

Konsekvenser af korruption

Korruption i international udviklingsbistand

Korruption i international handel

  • Campos, Edgardo J., Lien, Donald og Pradhan, Sanjay(1999), The Impact of Corruption on Investment: Predictability Matters, World Development, Vol. 27, No. 6, pp. 1059-67
  • Hansen, Jeppe Kromann (2004), Rene hænder i Rusland. En analyse af udenlandske firmaer på fremmede markeder præget af korruption med danske firmaer i Rusland som case, speciale, Institut for Statskundskab, Københavns Universitet
  • Hellman, Joel, Jones, Geraint og Kaufmann, Daniel(2002), Far From Home. Do Foreign Investors Import Higher Standards of Governance in Transition Economies?, World Bank 2002
  • Lambsdorff, Johan G. (1998), An Empirical Investigation of Bribery in International Trade, i: Robinson, Mark (red.), Corruption and Development, European Journal of Development Research, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 40-59
  • OECD (2000), No Longer Business as Ususal. Fighting Bribery and Corruption, OECD, Paris
  • Paldam, M., 2021. The Transition of Corruption. Institutions and dynamics European Journal of Political Economy 67(2), 17 pages, article 101952. Closely related to Chapter 10 in

  • Paldam, M., 1990 Korruption og Udviklingsøkonomi. Økonomi & Politik 63, 3-20

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